09 January 2013

Sense and Sensibility

With all my free time before classes start I've been re-watching excellent movies. So today I started watching the 2008 BBC version of Sense and Sensibility. I'd forgotten that it stars Dan Stevens. It was a pleasant surprise. The first time I watched this adaptation I remember being impressed with how well Stevens portrayed the mild awkwardness of Edward Ferrars without it being overly awkward. And I was so used to Hugh Grant's very awkward portrayal of him that this was like a breath of fresh air. And now that I've become so familiar with Dan Stevens as Matthew Crawley I was very excited to see him walk on screen today. If you haven't seen this adaptation of Jane Austen's novel, I really recommend it. It's fabulously done. Granted I'd expect no less from the BBC.


Melanie said...

I liked Stevens so much better than Hugh Grant as Edward Ferrars. I like the Emma Thompson/Kate Winslet version, but I think I prefer this one. The cinematography is gorgeous.

I like Downton Abbey, but part of me kind of wishes Masterpiece would get back to do pieces based on literature, like this one.

Emily said...

I remember the first time I watched it being a little torn about Dan Stevens or Hugh Grant, but really Stevens just portrays how I imagine Mr. Ferrars so much better.

I wish I could offer you comfort by saying that Masterpiece had some awesome literary classics lined up for the rest of the season, but I just checked and it doesn't look like they do. Some of their shows sound interesting (from only a half-second glance), but they're not fabulous adaptations of classic literature.