30 August 2012

Sap, what gets out sap?

So on Monday I met a friend for lunch at an awesome restaurant called Veggie Planet.
While I was waiting for the bus to come to take me to Harvard Square the tree I was standing under dripped sap on my head. So I arrived at lunch with a nice sticky patch in my hair. Luckily, the sap was clear, so it wasn't super apparent to other people. I did manage to wash the worst of the stickiness out, but I couldn't get all of it. Some research led me to discover that if you put peanut butter over the sap, and then blow dry it till it's melty the sap combs right out. This worked very well for me. Granted not for about 8 hours till I got home from work, but that's beside the point. Peanut butter removes tree sap from hair.

Back to Veggie Planet. It is a delightful little hole-in-the-wall vegetarian/vegan restaurant in Harvard Square. And their food is pretty cheap! I had a delicious black bean and monterey jack pizza. So good! I'm becoming such a fan of these cheap, fresh, vegetarian places.

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