16 July 2012

Class time is here again

This morning started my final course for the summer. It is a five week, intense, bookbinding workshop at North Bennet Street School. While it is located at NBSS it is actually taught by a woman from the Winterthur program at the University of Delaware. There are three other people in my class. Two kids from the art conservation program at Buffalo State University and one from the art conservation program at the University of Delaware. Which leaves me as the only non-conservation student. All three of the other people seem really nice, and one girl was actually in my other class this summer. I think it will be a fun five weeks.

I rode my bike down to the North End this morning. It was a delightful almost 7 mile ride. I know it sounds a bit pathetic, but it was the longest ride I'd been on yet. I looked pretty gross when I got there, but I think my classmates (and my colleagues at work later in the day) will just have to get used to me looking pretty awful.  My about 3.5 mile ride to work after class was pretty good, though if it hadn't rained for about half of it I would have liked that better. c'est la vie.

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